Tankless Water Heaters
To Inquire about Tankless Water Heaters call
SIMCOE COUNTY (705) 722-0209 - 24/7 Emergency Service

Water Delivery
35 F - 11.2 GPM
67 F - 5.7 GPM
200k Btu

Water Delivery
35 F - 10.1 GPM
67 F - 5.2 GPM
180k Btu

Water Delivery
35° F - 8.4 GPM
67° F - 4.2 GPM
150k Btu
Tankless Hot Water Systems are nearly the same price as tanked systems these days and are much more efficient to run. If you need or want to replace your hot water tank your best option is tankless. You can buy or rent a Navien Tankless Hot Water System through HomeBridge Canada Inc.
Call us at Simcoe County (705) 722-0209 York Region (905) 954-3800
Click here for a PDF Brochure on Navien Tankless Hot Water Systems